A Complete Unknown

It sets out to answer the question: can you ever escape the box other people have placed you in? Alternatively: what makes folk music folk music?

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DJ Birch

Not every number hits, but you never get the feeling anyone is phoning it in. I would be remiss to mention that two of these sequences were sure-fire out-of-the-park homeruns.

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DJ Birch
The Invisible Man

I was surprised at just how much of the run time I spent watching a still room from the edge of my seat. It strips the idea of an invisible person of all the goofy novelty the previous adaptations were full of and instills it with horror.

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Chandler Chavez
Come to Daddy

The set up is ripe for scares, but "Come To Daddy" knows exactly where you think it's going, and takes the hardest left turns possible to varying degrees of success.

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Chandler Chavez

While I can concede that the technical aspects of this film are a marvel, the one-take approach is ironically enough the biggest detractor from this claim for me.

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Chandler Chavez

Despite a seemingly glaring visual problem, Cats managed to get made and released without anyone seriously questioning that it looked like a feline-inspired nightmare fever dream.

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