Ep #16 - A Family Double Feature
Jacob suddenly has a lot more free time, Chandler needs to pick next week’s movie, and the two of them discuss two amazing 21st-century movies about family, love and the small everyday conflicts we all face.
Movies of the Week
Roma (2018)
Dir. Alfonso Cuarón, Mexico, 2h 15m
Streaming on Netflix
Yi Yi (2000)
Dir. Edward Yang, Taiwan, 2h 53m
Streaming on the Criterion Channel
Show Notes
10 Beautiful Frames from Roma:

Yi Yi on the BFI/Sight and Sound List
10 Beautiful Frames from Yi Yi:

Next Episode
Nashville (1975)
Dir. Robert Altman, USA, 2h 41m
Available for rent on Amazon Prime
Opening Night (1977)
Dir. John Cassavetes, USA, 2h 24m
Available for rent on Amazon Prime, or with a Prime Cinemax subscription
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